01491 598898

Zizzi @ 21-23 Hart Street, Henley
21-23 Hart Street, Henley on Thames comprises the entirety of the Zizzi premises and adjoining courtyard.
The property is Grade II* listed, parts of which date back to the 1300’s whilst the majority is thought to have been constructed around 1530. The building is of unusual construction featuring brickwork up to first floor level supporting a timber frame above. Considered an historic significance, extreme care had to be taken in the undertaking all of the works of repair and redecoration.
To the front of the property. We built new pillar supports, carefully removed existing paint to repair and repoint old brickwork, before repainting the whole building in breathable lime paint.
To the rear of the property, we repaired and repointed all brickwork and re-plastered old lime render.